recently found herself in the spotlight yet again, this time defending her 18-year-old daughter, Lexi, over her decision to share bikini snapshots on social media. This came just days after Amanda herself made headlines for stripping down during a life drawing feature at the Heart FM studio.
In a candid interview, Amanda disclosed her perspective on parenting in the digital era and how she handles social media with her daughters. She recounted a heartfelt conversation she had with Lexi regarding the latter's choice to post bikini photos on Instagram. Amanda, along with her husband Chris Hughes, has consciously fostered an environment of body positivity in their household, empowering Lexi to control her online image.
"At 18 years old, I believe she's confident, and we've always advocated for body positivity," Amanda shared with MailOnline. "If she feels ready to share those photos, then we support her decision."
Acknowledging the potential consequences, Amanda emphasized the importance of allowing Lexi the autonomy to make her own choices. "She's aware of the risks, but I believe she should have the freedom to express herself," Amanda continued. "At 18, it's the right time for her to exercise that freedom."
Reflecting on her own recent escapade at the Heart FM studio, where she bared it all for a life drawing session, Amanda admitted to her tendency to embrace opportunities when feeling confident. During the broadcast, cameras captured her removing her trousers, prompting playful banter from co-host Jamie Theakston and admiration from a female voice in the studio.
Despite the light-hearted atmosphere, Amanda's decision to disrobe garnered attention, with Jamie jesting, "Amanda, can you put a top on? It's slightly distracting." However, Amanda remained unfazed, showcasing the sketches with pride and humorously acknowledging her unconventional role as a model.
In both her daughter's social media presence and her own on-air antics, Amanda Holden stands as a proponent of self-expression and body positivity. Through open communication and unwavering support, she encourages her daughters and others to embrace their individuality and exercise agency over their own narratives.
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